The Trades

We have the will to work by letting flow into our work that which, coming out of the spiritual world, strives to become human within us in a soul-spiritual and life-bodily way.
— Rudolf Steiner

We believe that work is everyone's birthright. Not in the usual sense of time-clocks and earning daily bread but in the growth of self-worth and the sense of belonging that meaningful work can bring. To begin the day looking forward to the tasks ahead and to end the day with a sense of accomplishment and the knowledge that one’s own contribution has brought about something of value gives purpose and joy to our lives.

Here at Plowshare, we all work side by side. Some of us are farmers, while others are gardeners, bakers and fiber artists.

The farmers care for the land and the many tasks on a small homestead: caring for animals, tending seedlings, turning compost, or harvesting the fruits of their labor.

The bakers grind grain, make our famous granola, and bake our daily bread, cookies, and other treats.

The cooks make yogurt and cheese, process vegetables and fruit for winter storage, and prepare a warm and delicious midday meal which we all enjoy together.

Some work the land: raking leaves, cutting grass, shoveling snow, gathering sap for maple syrup.

The wood workers make napkin rings, beds, repair furniture, sometimes even doll houses. The crafters transform the sheep’s wool into felted balls, hot pads, pin cushions, various little animals and other pleasures. In the cold winter months the candle-making workshop produces lovely 100% beeswax tapers.

All share in artistic activities including painting, music therapy, color-light therapy, movement classes, and play practice.

Many of the products we create are for sale to the general public. We sell at Local Share (our community-supported store and cafe in Wilton), the Temple-Wilton Community Farm, and several little local shops. We strive to keep our prices affordable.